do you have a favorite font? are there …

do you have a favorite font? are there any you can’t stand?

my current go-tos:
serif: Charter
mono: Berkeley Mono

Times New Roman


11 responses to “do you have a favorite font? are there …”

  1. anirudh



    • serif: Instrument Serif (display), Charter (body)
    • sans: Inter all day everyday
    • mono: Input, SF Mono

    not favs:

    • Ubuntu/Mono
    • Cantarell

  2. tech? no! man, see...

    @ben have you seen Hot Dad’s video about picking a font for a web site?

    Hot Dad – Just Tell Me What Font to Pick (When I’m Making Websites for Kids)

  3. 『-𝚍𝚜𝚛-』


    I prefer to read long-form text in Palatino at a high resolution.

    TX Gyre Pagella is an acceptable substitution.

    I don’t enforce this opinion on others, I just like it.

  4. Leminski

    @ben big machines with Eurostile Bold Extended on the side saying what the machine is

  5. tho

    iosevka nerd font for monospace stuff, and inter for interfaces

  6. dozens

    i like comic sans

  7. ~ben

    @icy ooh great picks! i gotta look up sf mono

  8. ~ben

    @technomancy hah no i haven’t! i will have to give it a look

  9. ~ben

    @dashdsrdash palatino is lovely, i was looking at palatino nova

  10. mhd

    @ben So many for either side, but let’s pick a few:


    • serif: Plantin, Bembo/Aldine 401, Melior, Fern, IBM Plex Serif
    • sans: Optima, Univers, Antique Olive, Fira
    • mono: Courier Prime, EGA, Pragmasevka, Monaco (this category is more volatile than others)

    Not so good:

    • Souvenir, Spectral, Brush Script, Bookman’s swashes, Monos with script-like italics

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